Write for a Reason
Write for a Reason
Tips on Chapter Endings
Chapters cut your story up into manageable chunks, but there are so many brilliant ways of ending them. The aim is to keep your readers turning the pages because they just have to know what happens next (even after lights out; did you do that? :-)). Even the most desperate of readers may have to break off at some point, and that's usually at a chapter break, so you want to make sure your readers can't wait to get back into the action.
Of course you need a gripping plot and excellent, relevant characters, but the way you set out your chapter endings could make all the difference to your novel's success.
What you really don’t want is a reader to put down your book in the middle, then not pick it up again, because they’re not curious what happens next!
So today we will look at some excellent ways to finish your chapters. Some of these you will know intuitively, but some you may not have thought about... come on in and see!
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