Write for a Reason

5 Positive Ways We Can Handle Rejection as Writers

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Today I interview Sharon Tedford, who is here to talk to us about the whole big issue of rejection. 

Sharon is an English writer, living in Dallas (I know, listen to the podcast for how that happened!). She’s a talented creative writer… but still suffered from that awful pit-in-your-stomach feeling when facing rejection – as most of us do.

Rejection is a big thing, isn’t it, for writers? Whether we fear rejection so much it stops us from sending proposals/pitches in the first place, or whether it hits us hard when we receive back a rejection letter from a publisher we thought was a certain match for our story, it can stop us in our tracks.

And let’s face it, it hurts.

Sharon shares five positive ways we can handle rejection, so we can become, as she calls it,  ‘contented rejected’.

It will make you think about ‘rejection’ in a whole new way.

Don’t miss this one! :-)

If you’d like to buy the book from The Women of Write Texas which Sharon mentions (which includes Sharon’s chapter on becoming contented rejected), you can do so here (USA) or here (UK). It’s called The Write Calling, Encouragement from the Writer’s Heart.

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