Write for a Reason

Bringing Out Deep Emotions

August 01, 2022 Janet

The better we can express deep emotions in our characters, the more we will engage our readers.

Here's an exercise for you to do that you need never show to anyone, to help you get your emotions out into words. It will help you with your stories, I promise!

Write freely without editing for at least ten minutes on each of the following topics (if you find it too difficult to write in the first person, write as if a narrator is watching you):

  • A time when you were frightened. Maybe the terrible thing happened, maybe it didn’t. But write about it now.
  • A time when you were truly happy. Maybe the best thing that ever happened to you!
  • A time of deep disappointment. A dream smashed, maybe, or when friends betrayed you.
  • A time you were filled with love. When you would have done absolutely anything for that person.
  • A time when you were filled with anger. An anger that made you want to get justice, or revenge… and maybe you did?
  • A time you felt totally helpless. You were totally at the mercy of someone else.
  • A time you felt overcome with sadness. We have all suffered loss. Write about that grief you felt.
  • A time you laughed until you cried. You could no longer stop laughing than stop the world turning!

Don't pick the easiest topic – pick the most difficult, even if it’s tough to do. Write freely about how you felt. Be totally honest. You can use "unsuitable" language as nobody need see what you have written. Be free to let all your emotions run out of yourself on to the page – spit it out! Write about the unfairness, the rage, the delirious joy, the terrible feeling that things might never change, things that were said. Write about the people who helped you and the people who made things worse for you (and maybe what you would have liked to do to them).

How did your emotions affect you physically? Write how long the feelings lasted and how it has affected you since. Write how you feel about these memories now. Leave nothing out!

If your characters can express depth of emotion in your stories, they will be able to engage your readers at an emotional level. They might even be able to help them. That terrible or wonderful experience you have been through might be an enormous help to a new generation of readers. "Someone understands" is a wonderful feeling.

I hope you found this helpful! If you did, please share with your writer friends and hop on over to write-for-a-reason.com, where you will find lots more resources and encouragement to help you write excellent, relevant, fun novels and get them into your readers’ hands.

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